长期以来在社区中被称为希尔斯代尔社区健康中心, 该医院于2015年更名为澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场,以更好地反映所提供医疗服务的范围和质量. 希尔斯代尔社区卫生中心仍然是法人实体名称, with the organization doing business as (dba) Hillsdale Hospital.

The Early Days

The roots of Hillsdale Hospital reach back to Dr. and Mrs. T. H. 他于1912年来到希尔斯代尔,希望在社区里开一家疗养院. 米德利夫妇致力于开发1915年9月开放的设施. 希尔斯代尔疗养院的目标是使病人恢复健康, as well as educate them on healthy living measures. Leasing issues cast doubt on the future of the hospital; as the Midgley’s lease was due to expire in 1920, with the school board taking over the building as an annex.  戴维斯中学目前位于第一座医院大楼所在的土地上.

The 1920s

In 1920, 社区呼吁希尔斯代尔市政委员会组织一个医院委员会,以确保该设施将继续为该县的居民服务. The original Board of Trustees consisted of Mrs. Lorenzo E. Dow, Mr. Harvey J. Burgess, Mr. Elmo Galough, Mrs. T. H. Midgley, Mr. O. J. Cornell, and Mr. F. A. Roethlisberger, Sr. 尽管社区一致认为需要一所医院, what kind of hospital and funding issues were in question.

任命了一个特别委员会来研究此事,并就调查结果提出报告. 1920年8月2日,75人参加了在市政厅举行的第二次会议. 决定希尔斯代尔应该有一所医院,并任命了另一个委员会向市长和市议会提交市议会要求尽快举行特别选举的请求. The special election was to put before Hillsdale voters a $25,000 bond to purchase property for a new hospital and equipment.

希尔斯代尔市于1921年承担了新医院的全部责任.  纽约市斥资1.5万美元,对威廉·沃尔德伦(William Waldron)位于北曼宁街68号的故居进行了翻修. as the new hospital. 剩下的1万美元留作将来增建和改进之用. An open house was held on January 15, 1921 for the public, 谁被鼓励捐赠食品杂货和罐头食品来储存医院的食品储藏室,以供病人使用. 许多当地组织和个人捐赠了房间和家具, 协助市政府为社区提供最先进的设施.

The 1930s

1932年,医院增加了一个新的侧翼,增加了容纳25名病人的能力. 这家医院有产科病房、紧急手术室和x光设备. Through the years, the hospital continued to improve and enlarge, thanks in large part to numerous donors, including the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. But, 很快,原来的建筑显然无法再扩展以适应社区的需求.

The 1940s

1940年2月,新的澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场落成,这种精神得以延续. 医院有65张病床,20名工作人员,其中21名内科医生和外科医生. The new building was located at 168 South Howell Street, where the outside facade remains to this day.

Growing to Meet Community Needs

多年来,该县人口不断增长,医疗保健水平不断提高. 澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场继续扩大他们的实体工厂, services, and expertise to meet the needs of the community. 以服务社会为宗旨,不断追求卓越, 澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场已经发展成为一家为希尔斯代尔县居民服务的机构,并吸引了许多其他地区的病人, as well.

澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场致力于提供高质量的医疗保健服务, such as acute inpatient services, skilled nursing rehabilitation, state-of-the-art joint replacement, and bariatric surgery, all with a personal, caring touch.

米格利一家会惊讶地看到他们在1915年的卑微开端发展到21世纪, state-of-the-art healthcare facility.

澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场是一家以社区为基础的医院,在密歇根州中南部提供高质量的医疗保健. We offer comprehensive care, including acute inpatient services, advanced radiology and imaging services, full-service laboratory, surgery, a state-of-the-art birthing center, emergency care, inpatient psychiatric care and more. 我们还提供专业护理,拥有并经营多家门诊诊所. Specialty care provided includes pulmonology and sleep disorders, 与托莱多大学医学中心合作的骨科, home care, a pain management clinic, short-stay rehab, vascular care, hyperbaric medicine and more. 有两个诊所与希尔斯代尔保健中心合作,提供可获得的初级保健 & 健康可为步行和阅读健康诊所提供当天的预约. Hillsdale Hospital also produces Rural Health Rising, a podcast about the healthcare challenges, successes and opportunities facing rural America, which is now a member of the Health Podcast Network.

Nestled in a scenic county of some 47,000 residents, we are just over an hour from metropolitan areas, such as Detroit, Lansing, Toledo, Ann Arbor, and Kalamazoo. 我们社区的一个独特方面是希尔斯代尔学院,一所私立文理学院. Hillsdale County also offers 30 lakes, hunting, beautiful golf courses, and a rolling, picturesque landscape.

Our Mission

澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场为我们的社区提供卓越的医疗服务, 确保家庭在需要的时间和地点获得高质量的护理.

Our Vision

Through strong local governance, 澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场将领导全国界定和推进农村卫生服务提供者的作用.

Our Purpose

澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场的存在是为了确保我们地区能够在离家近的地方获得全方位的高质量保健服务. 通过我们才华横溢的员工的奉献和我们慷慨的社区的支持, we provide exceptional care to our neighbors.

Our Values

  • Responsibility: 我们信守对病人和彼此的承诺, 确保整个连续体的护理效率和协调良好.
  • Empathy: 我们寻求建立个人联系,了解别人正在经历什么, 总是用温暖的微笑问候他们,仔细倾听他们的需求和担忧.
  • Safety: We make safety our top priority, 努力为患者及其家属提供身体和情感安全的护理.
  • Passion: We are passionate about our work, 超越自我,为家庭提供最好的服务和体验.
  • Empowerment: We advocate for our patients’ needs, 使他们能够提出问题并参与与其护理有关的决策.
  • Commitment: We are dedicated to meeting the needs of our community, 认识到我们在他人生病或受伤时为他们服务的特权.
  • Trust: We build trust by being supportive, honest, 并接受新的想法,不断改善我们为社区提供的服务.